Poetry/Musings on Vulnerability and Daring Greatly
Confusing, Heart-wrenching.... Amazing????
Necessary to live and be alive.
To be a person, to be human.
To be vulnerable is to blindly trust.
To connect, to love.
To be naked.
Necessary evil. Not evil.
Cannot numb, shield, or run.
I have a shield but should not use it.
A test. False. Coping mechanism.
To disconnect is my default.
To disconnect is to give up on life.
Hurts to be vulnerable.
But necessary to life.
Working on it- slowly.
New to me.
Who to trust?
Who deserves my trust? My vulnerability?
My marbles jar.... put some in and take some out.
Never smash the jar...... unless......
Choose to be vulnerable.
Choose to live, to be alive, to be human.
Trust. Vulnerability. Connection. Love.
Blind and Naked.
Put marbles in the jar.
Necessary to live and be alive.
To be a person, to be human.
To be vulnerable is to blindly trust.
To connect, to love.
To be naked.
Necessary evil. Not evil.
Cannot numb, shield, or run.
I have a shield but should not use it.
A test. False. Coping mechanism.
To disconnect is my default.
To disconnect is to give up on life.
Hurts to be vulnerable.
But necessary to life.
Working on it- slowly.
New to me.
Who to trust?
Who deserves my trust? My vulnerability?
My marbles jar.... put some in and take some out.
Never smash the jar...... unless......
Choose to be vulnerable.
Choose to live, to be alive, to be human.
Trust. Vulnerability. Connection. Love.
Blind and Naked.
Put marbles in the jar.