Healing The Inner Child Project

Healing your Inner Child Project

Most of us have no idea that what happens in our early childhood affects us for the rest of our lives!  Even though you may not remember things that happened in our infancy and toddlerhood, I have found several resources that explain how this happens.  You can look at behaviors and patterns that you are aware of now to look back at how these may have come about.  

The main resource I am using for this project is a book called "The Inner Child Workbook".  I have found the readings and exercises to be most useful in my journey for healing.  I will post other resources from the web that are very helpful as well.

I apologize for the first few posts being links to what I previously posted on my main blog page.  I could not figure out how to transfer them to this page.  If you have any questions or would like someone to talk to, feel free to email me at messyjessycreatesart@gmail.com  I am not a licensed therapist but have had extensive study in Art Therapy.  If you find that during this journey to healing you stumble upon a 'trigger', please seek counseling as soon as possible.  









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